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Many of our New Jersey Computer Camps offer Winter Computer Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.
Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Computer Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.
Many of our Computer Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.
Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.
Looking for a Great New Jersey Computer Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best New Jersey Day Computer Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.
Many of our Best New Jersey Summer Computer Camps also offer Year Round Computer Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Computer Programs, too.
Searching for New Jersey Computer Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Computer Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.
View ALL NJ Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.
★ ■ ★ ■ ★ ■ ★
iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18
Locations: AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI
Ages: 6 - 18 . Coed Campers. All Girl Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day Options.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.
★ ■ ★ ■ ★ ■ ★
Visit Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Website
Held at 150+ prestigious campuses nationwide
Watch Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day, Overnight, and Weekend programs available.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.
Computers, Technology, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Academics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camps are located at prestigious campuses nationwide. Visit Our Camp Website Link: to find a location near you.
CAMP FACILITIES: Camps are held on university and school campuses. Most overnight campers stay in dorms and get the "college experience".
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU.
Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.
Just 5-10 students per instructor (maximum 10) so students can e¬njoy personalized learning at their pace.
The top universities on the planet—Stanford, NYU, Caltech—have trusted and hosted our programs for over 15 years, inspiring students to dream BIG.
Want to learn from an energetic Stanford computer science major? A virtual reality guru from NYU? A game developer who wants to share her lifelong passion? We’ve bet our reputation on recruiting the top instructors in the country. Our 8:1 student-to-instructor guarantee ensures customized learning with the smallest class sizes, leading to “a-ha moments” and awesome outcomes. iD Tech summer courses are inclusive of every skill level and learning style.
Today, every career—from art to engineering to social work—requires a strong foundation in tech. With a focus on skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration, our courses pave the way for bright futures in any field. Whether your child dreams of working at Facebook or Google, launching their own startup, or founding a nonprofit, their long-term skill development pathway starts here.
iD Tech also offers early-education STEM programs, all-girls tech camps, teen-only academies, and an online learning platform.
Get started today at Our Camp Website Link: or call (888) 709-8324 and join iD Tech as they inspire the makers of tomorrow.
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for the most up to date information on sessions, dates, and fees.
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iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 618
Be sure to ask each New Jersey Computer Camp about the amount of computer instruction and the overall intensity of their computer program.
Some Top New Jersey Computer Camps offer rigorous daily computer training and lots of intensive computer experience. Other great New Jersey Camps offer computer science as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.
Visit Our Summer Institute for the Gifted Website
Various Campus Locations
Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, Florida, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia
1 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG), a Non-Profit academic program for gifted, academically talented, and creative students, ages 5 to 17, offers summer day, commuter, and residential programs. The 3-week programs combine academics with social, cultural, and recreational opportunities for a truly engaging summer, enriching minds where creativity thrives. Choose from prestigious campuses including Yale, Princeton, Emory, and UCLA, among others. Come see what is exciting and new at! Explore your summer. Expand your mind.
Computers, Technology, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Academics, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Martial Arts, Weightloss, Swimming, Tennis, and more.
▌Read More about Summer Institute for the Gifted
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Summer Institute for the Gifted
Some New Jersey Computer Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.
Some New Jersey Computer Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.
Visit Our AlphaStar Academy Website
+1 (650) 273-4089
100 Saratoga Ave #100
Santa Clara, California 95051
100 Saratoga Ave Suite 100 Santa Clara, CA 95051 United States
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Online. Weekdays 9am-5pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: AlphaStar Summer Camp is a unique opportunity for interested and talented students to improve their skills during summer, where students are guided and trained by expert faculty via utilizing national and international competitions in a fun and challenging environment. We offer Math,Computer Science and Physics camps.
Computers, Math, Academics, and more.
▌Read More about AlphaStar Academy
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our programs & courses are now Fully Accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools,
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC)
AlphaStar Academy mainly considers teaching, competition, and education background as well as passion and dedication for the subject when hiring full-time and part-time teachers.
We hire our instructors and TAs from a pool of High School, College, Ph.D. students, school teachers, and University Professors. Our faculty have teaching/coaching/tutoring experience and have expertise in the subject area, regardless of their age.
They have participation and/or training experience in national/international math competitions and Olympiads in Math, CS, and Physics such as USAMO, USACO, USAPhO, IMO, IOI, and IPhO.
They are role models and inspiration for students with their backgrounds and achievements. You can check their bio at Our Camp Website Link:
As being an academy operating more than 10 years we have tens of achievements in national and international contests and olympiads. You can check our achievements at Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: AlphaStar Academy is offering Math Scholarships to help young mathletes excel further and achieve their true potential in math.
In 2021, up to $40,000 will be given as course credit. Each winner can use $2,000 course credit for online AlphaStar Math courses/camps for one year.
For details please visit Our Camp Website Link:
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: AlphaStar Academy offers year-round courses during Fall and Spring semesters. You can check the details at Our Camp Website Link: and Our Camp Website Link:
For summer camp details, please visit Our Camp Website Link:
You can check our position vacancies at Our Camp Website Link:
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AlphaStar Academy
Visit Our The OVAL Website
908-947-1726 Camp Director (all year)
908-393-0902 Camp Main Office (July-August)
South Mountain Reservation
West South Orange Avenue
Maplewood, NJ 07079
1171 State Route 28, North Branch, NJ 08876
Watch Our The OVAL Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Before/after care, 1-night optional overnight program in sessions 2,4,6
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The OVAL Day Camp is located in the picturesque South Mountain Reservation in Maplewood, NJ. The OVAL has been offering girls the opportunity to explore and discover the out-of-doors since 1959. Our programs are designed to challenge girls while creating friendships and memories to last a lifetime. The OVAL offers six weeks of outdoor summer camp for girls, age 5 and up, in grades K – 10.
Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Cheerleading, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Volleyball, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Archery, Ga-ga, Geocaching, Hiking, Team Building, Arts & Craft, Outdoor Cooking, Firebuilding, Low Ropes Challenge Course
CAMP LOCATION: Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey welcomes you to The OVAL Day Camp, located in the picturesque South Mountain Reservation in Maplewood, NJ. We are about 30 minutes from New York City and located in Essex County.
CAMP FACILITIES: Rustic cabins surround the large play field and provide a cool retreat after fun in the sun. Miles of hiking trails surround the camp. Girls have the opportunity to enjoy nature and spend time in small and large group activities.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Day camp sessions run from July 6 - August 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, Monday through Friday, for girls entering grades K to 10. Before and after care is also available.
Girls are grouped according to age in units. Girls participate in a program theme each week along with art studio, hiking, outdoor cooking, nature, sports, games, archery (grades 2 and up), and all-camp activities. During their time at camp, girls will develop a sense of responsibility and independence in a relaxed, non-competitive setting.
Campers in grades 4 and up can opt to participate in an 1-night overnight during sessions 2,4,6.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Our camp program is based on the values of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Several of our programs are designed for girls to earn a full badge or part of a badge during their time at camp.
Our summer day camp fees include all activity supplies, t-shirt (one per camper), daily snacks, and bus transportation.
Camp program listings and registration are available on our website at Our Camp Website Link:
Session 1 - July 6-10, 2019
Session 2 - July 13-17, 2019
Session 3 - July 20-24, 2019
Session 4 - July 27-31, 2019
Session 5 - August 3-7, 2019
Session 6 - August 10-14, 2019
Prices range from $345-$650 per session.
A full list of program offerings and fees is located in our Camp Guide, located at Our Camp Website Link:
The OVAL Day Camp provides fun and education programs that are designed to give girls new and unique opportunities to learn, grow, and make friends.
All staff participate in a week of pre-camp training where they become oriented to the camp, job responsibilities, procedures, and rules and work on their counseling and camp skills. The OVAL follows the program standards for health, safety, and security guidelines of GSHNJ, GSUSA, the American Camp Association and the New Jersey Youth Camp Standards are followed.
Staff positions and applications are available on our website at Our Camp Website Link:
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Visit Our HiTech Yeti Tech Camp Website
(415) 515-5278
Online Only
Burlington, Vermont
TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekly 10am-3pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp options include; Video Game Creation, Minecraft Game Design, Minecraft Electrical Engineering, and Programming (Scratch, Python, Java)!
Computers, Technology, and more.
▌Read More about HiTech Yeti Tech Camp
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We have been teaching programming, robotics, Minecraft, and Game Design classes for over 14 years!
We believe learning should be fun and challenging! Learning through play and experimentation leads to long lasting understanding!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We host monthly programming and game design tournaments year round!
Camp sessions are weekly and run from June 1st - August 28th.
Most courses cost $299 a week, but we also offer 1-on-1 programming mastery courses that cost more!
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HiTech Yeti Tech Camp
Visit Our Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp Website
Virtual - Online
Watch Our Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp Video
CAMPER AGES: 3-17, depending on camp
TYPE OF CAMP: Online. M-Th, 2 hours/day
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer camps are a great way to have fun, socialize, create, and explore! With new themes each week, there's sure to be a camp that excites your child! Weekly camp themes include cooking, art, LEGO, science, wizards & magic, around the world, coding, and many more! All camps take place via Zoom and one registration covers all children in the same household!
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Children with special needs are welcome to attend!
Computers, Technology, Math, Science, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. See Specialty Camp Info Below
▌Read More about Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: All camps are run by Ignite Learning Academy, a fully accredited online private school serving students in preschool through grade 12. Camp leaders include faculty, administration, and external experts in the areas they will be teaching.
Around the World Camp
Art Camp: Arts & Crafts with Found Objects
Art Camp: Drawing
Art Camp: Painting
Cooking Camp
DIY/Pinterest Camp
Hawaiian Hullabaloo Camp
JavaScript Coding Camp
Leading Ladies Camp
Mad Science Camp
Outdoor Explorers Camp
Scratch Coding Camp
Wizards & Magic Camp
Storytime & Craft Camp
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: to view the dates associated with each individual camp.
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Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp
Visit Our MAC Summer Arts and STEM Camps Website
36 Church St.
Middletown, New Jersey 07748
Middletown Arts Center
36 Church St
Middletown, NJ 07748
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Whether it’s painting, performing, programming, dancing, or engineering, MAC’s 23,000 square foot facility has room for creative campers to flourish.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Award winning accommodation for special needs campers
Computers, Technology, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Academics, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. Robotics, Engineering.
CAMP LOCATION: Middletown Arts Center: 23,000 square foot facility conveniently located across from Middletown train station.
▌Read More about MAC Summer Arts and STEM Camps
CAMP FACILITIES: 23,000 square foot space with theater, studios, labs art room - MAC campers do not get rained out.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Starting now kids ages three to 14 can enroll in an array of summer camp experiences available from June 15 – September 4, 2015 at Middletown Arts Center (MAC). MAC Camp goes beyond typical summer offerings with creative arts and STEM oriented programs, available the entire summer in half or full day sessions, with per week options. A free, supervised lunch period is included for children who sign up for both a morning and afternoon camp, creating a full day of creative fun.
‘Club MAC’ offers busy parents before and after care during camp from 7 am until the start of the morning session and again in the afternoon from 3 pm to 6 pm. Registrants can book by phone at 732.706.4100, on site or online at Our Camp Website Link:
Hula Frog, the national network of community guides for parents, anointed MAC’s summer camp as “Most Loved” 2015.
Highlights from more than 100 different weekly options include:
• “Space Adventure Bricks 4 Kidz” (6+) - Delve into space exploration and build NASA inspired models
• “3D Printing Design a Toy” (6+) – Create, print and paint your own action figure
• “Weaving Workshop” (7+) – Learn the ancient art of weaving on a loom with a hip, modern spin
• “Fins and Mermaids”(4-8) - Draw and paint sea creatures from sharks to glittering mermaids
• “Jump and Jingle”(3-5) - Dance, sing and play instruments you create from maracas to guitars
• “Teenz Fine Art Studio” (12+) - Older students refine technique while exploring self expression
• “Theater Workshop” (8-13) - Write, direct and perform a one-act play on stage
• “Frozen Frolics” (4+) - Sing, dance and craft all things relating to the movie “Frozen”
• “Make Your First Video Game” (11-14) – Explore graphics, sounds and basic coding concepts
• “Intro to Orchestra for Strings” (9-14) – Finale is an orchestral performance in MAC’s auditorium.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Classes are available year round for adults and children of all ages.
Go to Our Camp Website Link: for a complete brochure.
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MAC Summer Arts and STEM Camps
Visit Our World Scholars Academy Website
+1(877) 680-9775
1188 Bishop Street, Suite 1509
Honolulu, HI
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Online.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: World Scholars Academy offers elite summer courses and internships taught by world-leading professional scholars and accompanied by exceptional peers from around the world. Learn advanced study skills and deep conceptual understanding of your subject from the world's most accomplished educators.
Computers, Technology, Math, Science, Academics, Team Sports, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Adventure, and more.
Business, Medicine, Law, Engineering, International Relations, Creative Writing
▌Read More about World Scholars Academy
Please refer to our website for up-to-date information.
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World Scholars Academy
Visit Our Notre Dame High School Summer Programs Website
609.882.7900 x160
601 Lawrence Road
Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer Programs at Notre Dame High School offer a variety of opportunities, including Academic Courses for credit, Enrichment Classes and Athletic Camps. Located on 100 beautiful acres in Central New Jersey, just across the river from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Notre Dame High School offers a wireless environment, new science labs, turf playing field with track, newly renovated performing art facility and strength and conditioning facilities.
Computers, Technology, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Academics, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Wrestling, and more. Lacrosse, Drivers Education, Physical Education, First Aid, Health, Meditation & Mindfulness, College Application Program, Part Day Kids Camp, & Service Camp.
CAMP LOCATION: Located on 100 beautiful acres in Central New Jersey, just across the river from Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
▌Read More about Notre Dame High School Summer Programs
CAMP FACILITIES: Notre Dame High School offers a wireless environment, new science labs, turf playing field with track, newly preforming arts facility and strength and conditioning facilities.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For more information on Notre Dame High School's summer athletic camps, please visit Notre Dame's website Our Camp Website Link:
For questions on any of the summer offerings at ND, please contact Sean Clancy at 609.882.7900, ext. 160 or email summer[AT]
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Notre Dame High School Summer Programs
Visit Our STEAM in AI - Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Research Summer Camps for Middle and High School Students Website
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, California
Watch Our STEAM in AI - Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Research Summer Camps for Middle and High School Students Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Online. Weekdays and Weekends
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Are you a High Schooler interested in working on a life changing AI project that will help you learn skills needed for jobs of the future, stand out in college applications and help you create big societal impact? Look no further!! Learn Artificial Intelligence and Computational Research. Learn how to Code. Build AI Projects. Publish on GitHub. Do Research. Publish Research Paper. Earn a Certificate. Earn a Mentor Recommendation Letter. Create Impact. No Pre-requisites.
Computers, Technology, Math, Science, Academics, and more. Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
Design Thinking
CAMP LOCATION: Hosted at Santa Clara University in the Bay Area
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: In Person and Virtual Camp - for students all across the U.S. and other parts of the world.
6 exciting tracks to choose from:
Foundation: Data Science
Master: AI Model building with code
Full Immersion: AI Model and Research
Design Thinking and AI
AI in Business and Entrepreneurship
Beginner: AI with low code/ no code
STEAM in AI Students have the opportunity to work on exciting AI Projects across Industries, Domains and Careers mentored by AI/ ML Engineers and Data Scientists from the Industry.
Exciting News!! STEAM in AI Intensive is coming to Santa Clara University in the Bay Area this Summer. Get a taste of Silicon Valley, Learn AI and do Research. Check out the Commuter and Residential Programs.
STEAM in AI is Developed by former Stanford and UC Berkeley Adjunct Professor, MIT Mentor $100K Entrepreneurship Competition, Data and AI Ethics thought leader from Silicon Valley, Generative AI Ethics Keynote Speaker for the U.S. Military and the California Department of Education.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Students may apply for a need based scholarship. Scholarship is based on a lot of factors including availability of funds. Application does not guarantee a scholarship. Eligibility Criteria: Must be a student living in the U.S., must have a copy of the most recent U.S. IRS Tax Return. Preference will be given to student recommendations by Partner Schools. Our Nonprofit DataEthics4All 501(c)(3) EIN 85-3148963 provides need based Scholarships to Students to participate in the STEAM in AI Program based on the availability of funds.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Start a STEAM in AI Chapter to find all year round opportunities for students to learn artificial intelligence and ethics, leadership and volunteering. Volunteers can even accrue those hours towards the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Learn More: Our Camp Website Link:
Please visit the Website: Our Camp Website Link: for complete information
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STEAM in AIData Science Artificial Intelligence and Research Summer Camps for Middle and High School Students
Visit Our Jockey Hollow Day Camp Website
973-543-2156 (during camp) 973-248-8200 (off season)
Mendham, New Jersey 07945
Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey 95 Newark Pompton Turnpike Riverdale, NJ 07457
Watch Our Jockey Hollow Day Camp Video
CAMPER AGES: 6 - 14 years old
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Mon.-Fri. daily 9am-3:30pm. for seven weeks. Aftercare offered to 6pm at camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Jockey Hollow Day Camp is owned and operated by Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey. The camp’s 212 pristine acres are located in Mendham Township, Morris County, NJ. The camp offers a large “L” shaped swimming pool, a Low Ropes Challenge Course and Zip Line, an Equestrian Center, archery range, large playing field and adventurous hiking trails. Six deluxe log cabins and activity shelters, a large troop house, and a spacious pavilion provide protection for bad weather days and overnight experiences. Each cabin is equipped with a kitchen and bathroom.
Girls entering grades 1 to 9 enjoy outdoor cooking, hiking, environmental programs, arts & crafts, archery (grades 4-9) songs & games (grades 1-3), and swimming. The Low Ropes Challenge Course, comprised of cable wires and ropes, is designed to build self esteem and team collaboration. Pony or horseback riding at our equestrian center is an optional for horse lovers.
The day camp program offers a diverse schedule that gives each girl a variety of outdoor experiences in a safe environment. She will develop her confidence, self-reliance and leadership skills while making friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Jockey Hollow is open to all girls regardless of race, religion, ethnic background or socio economic status.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We will try and accommodate a girl with special needs. It will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Technology, Science, Academics, Fine Arts/Crafts, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Geocaching, Archery, Outdoor Cooking, Low Ropes Challenge Course, Zip Line, Stream Exploration, Hiking, Arts & Crafts, STEM Activities, American Red Cross Swim Lessons, & Girl Scout Badge Work.
CAMP LOCATION: Jockey Hollow Camp is owned and operated by Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey. The camp's 212 pristine acres are located in Mendham Twp., Morris County, NJ. Visit our website and FB page at: Our Camp Website Link: for pictures from last summer's activities.
▌Read More about Jockey Hollow Day Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: Jockey Hollow Day Camp offers a large "L" shaped swimming pool, Low Ropes Challenge Course with Zip Line, Equestrian Center, archery range, large playing field, flowing stream, and adventurous hiking trails. Six log cabins and activity shelters, a large Troop House and a spacious pavilion provide protection for bad weather days and overnight experiences. Each cabin is equipped with a fully stocked kitchen and bathroom.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Celebrating our 87th year in operation this summer, Jockey Hollow makes the health and safety of the girls at camp our primary concern. Jockey Hollow is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA). This accredidation is a thorough review (up to 300 standards) of its operation from staff qualifications and training, health and safety procedures to emergency management. Additionally, the camp complies with standards set by the New Jersey State Department of Health, American Red Cross and Girl Scouts of the USA. We abide by the Girl Scout Mission to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Jockey Hollow Camp is open to ALL girls regardless of race, religion, ethnic background or socio economic status. A girl does not have to be a currently registerd Girl Scout to attend Jockey Hollow Camp. Our staff are First Aid/CPR certified. Girl to Adult ratios are adhered to in accordance with GSUSA and ACA standards. All staff are background checked and attend a Pre-Camp Orientation prior to the start of camp.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: A 2-week CIT program for girls entering 9th grade (and 14 yrs. of age by July 5) is offered Sessions 1 & 2. During the first week, girls will develop the skills needed to mentor younger girls and understand their needs in a camp setting. During the second week the CIT's will use their newly-acquired skills under the guidance of camp counselors in the units. Girls who completed the CIT program the previous summer can participate in the 2-week CIT II program held Sessions 1 & 2. The first week, girls will focus on one of the four specialty areas of camp, as well as learn safety and risk management and unit planning. During the second week the girls will be assigned to a specialist who will supervise them as they plan and execute activities for the campers and work alongside unit staff. CIT II's will also plan and execute a portion of the All Camp Program. CIT and CIT II's are encouraged to volunteer for any or all of the remaining weeks of the camp season.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Girl members of Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey may apply for Financial Aid. Form is posted on our website. Must be submitted by April 17.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Girls entering 3rd and up can opt to participate in a one night overnight held during Sessions 2, 3, & 4. Teen theme focused programs offered every session to girls entering 6th grade and up. Select from STEM, Cooking, Fine Arts and Survivor to name a few. Very popular daily 1.5 hr.Pony program for girls entering 1st-3rd grade and daily 2 hr. Horsemanship program for girls entering 4th-8th grade.
Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for complete information and to view the 2016 camp brochure which will be posted early January. Registration opens on-line February 16.
Jockey Hollow Day Camp, located in Mendham Township, NJ is seeking Unit Counselors and Unit Leaders for the 8 week 2016 summer camp season.
To apply visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:, or Contact Mary-Ann Lewis, Camp Director, for more information at mlewis[AT]
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Jockey Hollow Day Camp
Visit Our Premier Soccer Camps Website
616 Corporate Way
Valley Cottage, New York 10989
California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Watch Our Premier Soccer Camps Video
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: "The Premier Soccer Training System" - implements our step by step process of physical technique DEMONSTRATIONS, You then IMITATE these demonstrated skills/techniques in training, we then give you the opportunity to EXECUTE these skills in competition with our continued expert guidance and coaching. "The PSTS" is offered at all our Soccer Camps in California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Computers, Technology, Science, Football, Soccer, Adventure, Travel, and more.
▌Read More about Premier Soccer Camps
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: "The Premier Soccer Training System" - implements our step by step process of physical technique DEMONSTRATIONS, You then IMITATE these demonstrated skills/techniques in training, we then give you the opportunity to EXECUTE these skills in competition with our continued expert guidance and coaching. "The PSTS" is offered at all our Soccer Camps in California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
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Premier Soccer Camps
Visit Our IT Girl Summer Series Website
South Carolina
New York
North Carolina
P.O. Box 1786
Summerville, SC 29483
TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekends
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The ‘IT Girl’ Summer Series is a four week digital and hands on exposure learning camp for girls ages 8-16 to learn in-demand technology concepts. Additionally, our workshops and programs focus on discovering, pursuing, and succeeding in technology through the exposure of technical concepts. Students do not need to have any prior technical experience, and all materials will be provided. We ask all students at least have a strong desire to learn more about technology.
Computers, Technology, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Virtual, Online
▌Read More about IT Girl Summer Series
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Our Camp Website Link:
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our Camp Website Link:
Our Camp Website Link:
Tech Lead - curriculum instructors
Non-Tech Lead - tech lead assistant
Community Lead - brand ambassador
Logistics Lead - logistics, packing lead
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IT Girl Summer Series
Visit Our Summer of Minecraft Website
(323) 287-5580
Watch Our Summer of Minecraft Video
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: If you like Minecraft, you're absolutely going to love Summer of Minecraft - an online summer camp program starting June 27 where kids 9-14 will learn Beginning and Intermediate Coding, Game Design, and Engineering in Minecraft in a safe, multiplayer environment.
Computers, Technology, Science, Academics, and more. Gaming, Coding, Team Building, Leadership, Minecraft.
▌Read More about Summer of Minecraft
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summer of Minecraft includes:
Weekly challenges that engage players of all levels
Guides for parents and educators
Live streams introducing challenges and showcasing player creations
An online forum for campers to ask questions and share
OTHER CAMP INFO: Throughout the year enjoy Free Minecraft Kid Club.
June 27 - August 5. For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Summer of Minecraft
Visit Our ESF Summer Camps Website
Locations in CT, NY, NJ, PA, & MD
New York
New Jersey
750 E Haverford Rd
Bryn Mawr, PA
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: ESF Camps offer a variety of Day, Sports, Technology, and Specialty summer programs with 60+ activities for girls & boys ages 3-16. Cutting-edge, award-winning programs with time-honored camp traditions coupled with an experienced and dynamic staff. Full and half day options available along with 1-9 week sessions.
Computers, Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Martial Arts, Team Sports, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Wrestling, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Bronx, NY at The Riverdale Country School
Greenwich, CT at Greenwich Academy
Haverford, PA at The Haverford School
Chestnut Hill, PA at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy
Montgomery Springs, PA at Montgomery School
Newtown Square, PA at Episcopal Academy
Tinton Falls, NJ at Ranney School
Lawrenceville, NJ at The Lawrenceville School
Baltimore, MD at The Gilman School
North Bethesda, MD at The Georgetown Prep School Bronx, NY at The Riverdale Country School
Greenwich, CT at Greenwich Academy
If you are interested in traveling to any of the locations listed below, ESF will provide hotel accommodations, mileage reimbursement, and a food stipend: Haverford, PA at The Haverford School
Chestnut Hill, PA at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy
Montgomery Springs, PA at Montgomery School
Newtown Square, PA at Episcopal Academy
Tinton Falls, NJ at Ranney School
Lawrenceville, NJ at The Lawrenceville School
Baltimore, MD at The Gilman School
North Bethesda, MD at The Georgetown Prep School
▌Read More about ESF Summer Camps
CAMP FACILITIES: Each camp location has indoor facilities (gym, classrooms, auditorium), a pool, sports fields. Some have tennis courts and more.
For Boys & Girls
A fun-filled first camp experience
for 3 year-old campers!
For Boys & Girls
AGES 4-8
Pure fun! Activities include: swimming, art, sports, science, music/drama and more!
For Boys & Girls
AGES 6-14
The finest multi-sports experience featuring baseball, soccer, basketball, hockey, lacrosse and more!
For Boys & Girls
AGES 9-15
For campers interested in new challenges and adventures!
For Boys & Girls
Gr K-10
Unique specialty camps in Science, Technology, Design, Business and the Arts.
Single-Sport Camps 1-9 weeks
For Boys & Girls
AGES 6-14
Designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced players.
Full and half day options.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Bronx, NY at The Riverdale Country School
Greenwich, CT at Greenwich Academy
Haverford, PA at The Haverford School
Chestnut Hill, PA at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy
Montgomery Springs, PA at Montgomery School
Newtown Square, PA at Episcopal Academy
Tinton Falls, NJ at Ranney School
Lawrenceville, NJ at The Lawrenceville School
Baltimore, MD at The Gilman School
North Bethesda, MD at The Georgetown Prep School Bronx, NY at The Riverdale Country School
Greenwich, CT at Greenwich Academy
Young Adults, Age 15-17
Join the Leadership Exploration and Development Program (LEaD) and prepare to be a part of the next generation of ESF Leaders. Discover your unique leadership abilities and gain rewarding experience that will help you to develop the skills to be a future ESF counselor or coach, as well as a productive member of your home and school communities. Through immersive leadership workshops, hands-on mentoring and apprentice opportunities, team building initiatives and philanthropic service learning experiences, the LEaD Program will prepare you for the very valuable job of making a difference in the lives of children.
Highlights include:
- CPR and First Aid training
- An adventure-based field trip
- Service learning credit hours
- Exposure to ESF experts and talented activity specialists
- Recreational activities & sports
- Swimming
June 13 - August 18 (dates may vary at different locations)
At ESF, we hire only the best of the best and we take great pride in the fact that our team members aspire to positions of leadership and responsibility. In recognition of the individual strengths and talents of our team members, we actively support both personal and professional development every summer and provide the tools and guidance necessary for advancement.
Our team of counselors, coaches and lifeguards/swim instructors consists of teachers as well as undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in a variety of fields including but not limited to Education, Kinesiology, Psychology, Social Work and Family Science.
Our training and leadership development programs propel ESF to the forefront of the camp industry. Additionally, a high percentage of team members return to our ESF family each year to create amazing life experiences for our campers.
For complete jobs info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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ESF Summer Camps
Visit Our Brain Chase: Summer Learning Challenge Website
Online Summer Program
Brain Chase is an online camp available to students in grades 2-8 across the US. Participants in the following states are eligible to win the buried treasure grand prize: AL, AK, AR, CA, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI and WY.
Watch Our Brain Chase: Summer Learning Challenge Video
CAMPER AGES: Grades 2-8
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Computers, Technology, Math, Academics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Brain Chase is online - the participant that guesses the coordinates of the buried treasure first will be flown with one parent to dig up the treasure.
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CAMP FACILITIES: NA - Camp is online
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Founded in 2014 by Austin parents Allan and Heather Staker, Brain Chase is the product of his filmmaking/tech background and her online education expertise. They are both Harvard-educated and their 5 children were the inspiration behind the creation of this revolutionary new summer program
Brain Chase is a 6-week summer learning challenge disguised as a massive global treasure hunt for 2nd−8th graders. A golden globe has been buried somewhere on earth – and it contains the key to a safe deposit box holding a $10,000 college scholarship fund. Participants who complete an hour of online summer learning activities each day will unlock secret animated webisodes that hold the clues to the globe’s whereabouts. Guess the treasure’s location first, and you’ll be the one on a plane to dig it up.
Enrollment is limited to the first 5,000 entrants.
Kickoff is June 30. Last registration July 18.
- See more at: Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Additional children from same household are half off for each registration.
OTHER CAMP INFO: You spend 10 months of every year in school, but much of that hard work likely vanishes during summer break. Who wants to do boring worksheets when school’s out? Brain Chase is a summer enrichment program that’s FUN. Action-packed animations, mysterious packages in the mail, and the hunt for buried treasure turn learning into an adventure. It’s FLEXIBLE. You’ll do the challenge when you want, where you want, and at your own pace. And it’s CUSTOMIZED. You get to work at your own level. - See more at: Our Camp Website Link:
For complete info please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
Registration: Our Camp Website Link:
Kickoff is June 30, 2014.
Last chance to register is July 18, 2014.
$199 for first child, $100 for each additional child from the same household.
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Brain ChaseSummer Learning Challenge
Visit Our Harbor Haven Website
Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, New Jersey 07052
470 Prospect Avenue, Suite 203B
West Orange, NJ 07052
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9-3:40 Monday through Friday; Before and After Care Available; Door-Door transporation can be provided in most cases
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Harbor Haven offers comprehensive, dynamic, fun programming for children with mild special needs. This unique 7-week summer camp provides children with a social, learning based summer adventure that bridges the gap between school years and helps prevent regression and promote improvement. In a nurturing, camp environment children engage in a variety of traditional summer activities combined with support for the academic, therapeutic and social needs. Spaces fill fast so call today or visit our website for more information.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Harbor Haven is designed for children with mild special needs including Attention Deficit Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, mild ASD and other types of learning, communication, sensory and social challenges. We include sibling, cousin and staff children with no IEP's and place them age appropriately in camper groups. This component creates the perfect blend...special needs children learning and having fun beside and interacting with typical peers carefully selected to enhance the experience for everyone's benefit.
Computers, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Academics, Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Martial Arts, Team Sports, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Travel, and more.
Yoga, Zumba, GaGa, Bicycle Riding, Four Square
Language Arts/Reading Reinforcement
2- Week Travel Camp (day Travel Only) For 16-18 Year Olds
CAMP LOCATION: Located in Essex County on a beautiful private school campus with 8 park like acres, Harbor Haven is about 35 minutes from Manhattan. Our transportation system can provide door-door pick up and drop off within an hour radius in most cases.
CAMP FACILITIES: Our state-of-the-art facility boasts an outdoor, heated swimming pool, athletic fields, tennis courts, a cutting edge central air-conditioned school building including a huge gym, cafeteria, numerous classrooms/activity rooms and more.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Harbor Haven is ACA (American Camp Association) accredited, and a state and town approved youth camp. Since 1997 parents, children, professionals and service providers have recognized and praised the excellent results of our program.
Our staff is professional, experienced and highly trained. Each senior staff member holds a degree in special education or a related field with experience in both educational and therapeutic settings working with children with special needs. Counselors are carefully selected for their ability to facilitate growth for our children and their motivation to work in our setting.
We provide a safe, secure, fun and motivating environment. A registered nurse is on site. Staff undergo thorough background checks. Staff to child ratio is 1:3 or better. Safety and security are carefully monitored.
Ease your child's transition back to school in the fall and help prevent academic and skill regression at Harbor Haven. Give your child a summer experience that will help build skills and confidence!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Harbor Haven has a two week volunteer program for 17 and 18 year olds. There are very limited spots available. An interview is required along with completing an application and getting 3 letters of recommendation.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Some campers receive funding through their school district. Check with your case manager to see if this is an option for your child.
You can submit limited portions of the Harbor Haven program to your insurance company for reimbursement. We can provide you with a codified bill after you have paid in full.
We are approved by Perform Care (formerly known as DDD.) Your child must be eligible for funding from this agency.
Other agencies such as Catholic Charities, Kiwanis and Knights of Pythias and Columbus have provided scholarships in the past.
All of the above must be pursued by the parents/guardians. Harbor Haven will be happy to complete any paperwork required of them.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Open Houses are conducted in the winter and spring for interested families. Please call us at 908-964-5411 or visit our website for more information about our upcoming open houses.
Age appropriate programs for 3-18 year olds
Bright Beginnings: ages 3-5
Juniors: ages 6-7
Intermediates: ages 8-9
Seniors: ages 10-11
Tweens: ages 12-13
Teens: ages 14-15
LIFE Program: ages 16-18
TravelQuest: ages 16-18
Please visit our website Our Camp Website Link: for complete information about dates and fees. To find fees on the website click on "Enrollment Application" or "Enroll Now." Please call 908-964-5411 for more information. We are here all year long!
Pool Director
Physical Education Teacher
Special Education Teachers
Group Counselors (College/graduate students with related majors)
School Psychologists and Social Workers
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Harbor Haven
Visit Our Science Camp at Liberty Science Center Website
222 Jersey City Blvd
Liberty State Park
Jersey City, New Jersey 07305
CAMPER AGES: Rising 1st through 8th graders
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays 9 am - 4 pm with before and after care available.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Science Camp at LSC is a full-day summer program for children entering grades 1 through 8 excited about exploring the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
Discounts available.
Computers, Technology, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Academics, and more. Sailing
CAMP LOCATION: Adjacent to the NJ Turnpike at Exit 14C just before the Holland Tunnel. Ideal for NJ residents commuting to NYC. Also accessible by light rail.
▌Read More about Science Camp at Liberty Science Center
CAMP FACILITIES: NJ's largest and most visited cultural institution. Large, modern building with lots of space indoors and out. Home to the Jennifer Chalsty Planetarium, the biggest planetarium in the western hemisphere.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We offer fun hands-on, inquiry based courses in various disciplines of STEM. Children are encouraged to explore, ask questions, collaborate, design and test different ideas and concepts. Our knowledgeable and supportive STEM educators lead campers through week long explorations using real-world science and technology skills and tools. Each session concludes with a Friday afternoon showcase for family and friends.
Course Levels & Topics Include:
Explorer Level (entering grade 1) – Coding, the laws of motion, chemistry
Scientist Level (entering grades 2 – 3) – Robotics, flight, wizardry
Innovator Level (entering grades 4 – 5) – Astronomy, animals, robotics
Visionary Level (entering grades 6 – 8) – Sailing, virtual reality, rollercoasters
See all the details at Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Every Friday family and friends are invited watch their children shine as they demonstrate their new skills and inventions at our family showcase.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Security staff are all trained first responders; and we are located just over a mile from a top-ranked hospital.
Weeks of camp: July 8-12, July 15-19, July 22-26, July 29-Aug 2, Aug 5-9, Aug 12-16, Aug 19-23
Camp runs Monday through Friday; Camp hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm; Before and After Care available for additional fee
More information see -- Our Camp Website Link:
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Science Camp at Liberty Science Center
Visit Our Oak Crest Day Camp Website
92 Cortelyous Lane
Somerset, New Jersey 08873
Watch Our Oak Crest Day Camp Video
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Oak Crest Day Camp, located in Somerset, NJ, is the premier day camp in Central Jersey. Our beautiful 35-acre facility has acres of field space, indoor air-conditioned Creative Studio, and full Challenge Course with a 40’ climbing tower and zip line. We have 4 heated pools, including our Brand New, State of the Art 7,000 square foot Aquatic Complex.
The Oak Crest experience includes Door-to-Door Transportation, Hot Lunch, Red Cross Certified Swim Instruction, and Professionally Screened and Trained Staff. Activities include sports, arts and crafts, archery, ceramics, jewelry, dance, drama, go-karts, cooking, rocketry, mountain biking, skateboarding in our Skate Park, and BMX Biking on our track. For more information, please check out our website at Our Camp Website Link: or call us at 732-297-2000.
Computers, Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Martial Arts, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Oak Crest Day Camp, located in Somerset, NJ, is the premier day camp in Central Jersey and is located on 35 beautiful acres.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Our beautiful facility has acres of field space, indoor air-conditioned Creative Studio, and full Challenge Course with a 40’ climbing tower and zip line. We have 4 heated pools, including our Brand New, State of the Art 7,000 square foot Aquatic Complex.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Voted Best Day Camp in Central New Jersey TWO Years in a Row!
The Oak Crest experience includes Door-to-Door Transportation, Hot Lunch, Red Cross Certified Swim Instruction, and Professionally Screened and Trained Staff.
Please visit our website Our Camp Website Link: for current promotions, camp dates, programs and rates.
Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: and complete the online application. Available summer job opportunities include Counselors, Athletic Specialists, Swim Instructors, Creative Specialists, and Ropes Specialists.
You must be available to work all 8 weeks of camp (camp starts the last week of June).
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Oak Crest Day Camp
Visit Our Camp Agnes DeWitt Website
605 Montgomery Road
Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844
1171 Route 28
North Branch NJ 08876
Watch Our Camp Agnes DeWitt Video
CAMPER AGES: 5 to 15 years
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Welcome to Camp DeWitt Day Camp nestled on 152 acres in the Sourland Mountains in Hillsborough, NJ. Camp DeWitt is a spectacular place that allows girls to explore and discover the great outdoors. Our programs are designed to challenge girls and help them gain independence while creating friendships and memories to last a lifetime.
Technology, Science, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Gaga, Low Ropes Course, Zip Line, Archery, STEM Activities, Outdoor Cooking, Drawing, Geocaching
CAMP LOCATION: Camp DeWitt is located in Hillsborough, NJ - approximately one hour from New York City. We have over 150 acres of beautiful property with a large pool and a new activities building. Please visit our website for our camp video and more information.
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CAMP FACILITIES: We have a brand new activities building for girls to eat their lunch, programming and more. Our pools offers us the ability for all girls to go swimming and have swim lessons daily, as well as offer a specialty aquatics program. Platform tents, tebins, pavilions and our cabin provide additional program space. Additional program areas include archery, a low ropes course with a zipline, maker space and large fields offer a wide variety of activities.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp sessions run from July 7 through August 13. Camp DeWitt offers two experiences: General and Specialty.
General Camp programs are designed for girls entering grades K-10 and provide a broad camp experience with varied activities and pool time daily. General Camp programs enable you to experience an array of camp activities every day.
Our Specialty Camp programs are designed for girls entering grades 2-10. Activities are grouped according to program, age, and interest level. Specialty Camp programs focus on a particular interest combined with traditional camp activities like hiking, cook-outs, crafts, and games.
GSHNJ camps are a place where each and every girl can feel safe, valued and supported while making new friends and challenging themselves to try new things. Camp staff is committed to ensuring the health, safety and overall well-being of all campers. GSHNJ camps follow the program standards for health, safety and security guidelines of GSHNJ, GSUSA, ACA, and the New Jersey Youth Camp Standards.
Day camp sessions will run from July 6 through August 14 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday for girls entering Kindergarten to grade 10. In addition to the program theme, girls will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of camp activities which may include hiking, outdoor cooking, nature activities, games, sports, singing, archery (grades 2 and up) and a low ropes course. Our activities building will offer shelter from extreme heat and major storms. Specialty Camp programs focus on a particular interest combined with traditional camp activities like hiking, cook-outs, crafts and games.
Our camp program is based on the values of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Several of our programs are designed for girls to earn a full badge during the time at camp. Other program may also earn badges or parts of badges. This information will be available after your daughter’s stay at camp.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Earn your Girl Scouts CIT award as you master your leadership and counseling skills. Discover your personal leadership style as you work to identify and build on the strengths you already possess. Participate in activities that teach you skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to become a successful counselor in your first week, then work directly with younger campers during your second week.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial assistance is available and the application can be found on our website.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp is available for rent. Our camps are beautiful and full of activities like archery, geocaching, ropes courses and more trails than you can imagine. In addition to our exhaustive list of activities, we offer a range of sleeping options, sure to speak to every camper's taste. You can pitch your own tent or stay in one of our winterized cabins—either way, you'll feel right at home.
Girl Scout Programming throughout the year. Becoming a Girl Scout means getting to participate in a ton of fun programs and events. Earn badges, complete journeys and learn new things through our programs designed for girls who are ready to change the world.
Events and activities a la carte. GSHNJ offers opportunities for you, your troop, or group to participate in a staff-led program at a time and location that works for you! Just choose from our extensive menu that includes: Archery, Challenge Course, Mini Zipline, Geocaching, Outdoor Cooking and more.
July 7 - July 9, 2020
July 12 - July 16, 2020
July 19 - July 20, 2020
July 26 - July 30, 2020
August 2 - August 6, 2020
August 9 - August 13, 2020
Camp fees vary by program. Add ons, such as before/after care are additional. Each camper will receive one t-shirt for the summer and a daily afternoon snack.
Please go to Our Camp Website Link: and click on camp to get the full program fees
Camp Agnes DeWitt hires enthusiastic and dedicated adults to provide our summer camp program for girls. All camp staff participate in one week of pre-camp training conducted by trained professionals and many have taken additional training in their specialty areas. All waterfront activities are supervised by American Red Cross certified lifeguards.
Camp DeWitt follows the program standards for health, safety and security guidelines of GSHNJ, GSUSA, the American Camp Association, as well as the New Jersey Youth Camp Standards.
Apply online at Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Agnes DeWitt
Visit Our Storming Robots Website
3322 Rt. 22 West
Branchburg, New Jersey 08876
3322 Rt. 22 West, Suite 402
Branchburg, NJ 08876
CAMPER AGES: 9 to 17
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily - 9am - 3pm with extended care available
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Computers, Technology, Math, Science, Academics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Storming Robots is technical institution located in the Branchburg Commons professional complex located in Branchburg. It is nestled within 19 acres of professionally landscaped and managed ground. There is a medical clinics on site as well.
Branchburg Common is a professional office complex is located on heavily traveled Route 22 West in Branchburg Township.
Situated in Somerset County the complex is also readily accessible from Routes 28, 31, 202 and 206, Interstates 78 and 287, making Branchburg Commons an ideal place for your growing business.
▌Read More about Storming Robots
CAMP FACILITIES: Storming Robots is Robotics and Technology Learning Lab consisting of three computer labs for various levels of workshops.
There are 8 to 12 computers in each lab. Depending on the workshop and individual pace, we may set up a team of two or allow students to work individually.
All of programs take on TAG (Talented And Gifted) level:
- Challenge each participant to his/her fullest potential. For example, a 6th grader may be given complex tasks usually given to a 10th grader; but if and only if he/she demonstrates his/her ability to take on the challenge.
Exercise higher order of thinking, creative thinking with engineering disciplines.
- Deliver true robotics experience and engineering, from mechanical building to automation with robotic programming.
- Engage in hands-on projects conducted with engineering process.
- Involve Math applications and problem solving, not just "how to calculate", but "how to apply" under various scenarios in fun but challenging way.
Conclude with small scale of collaborative contests and/or presentation.
All Gr.7+ programs take on Advanced Challenge Track (ACT). - these workshops are designed for the children who desire to pursue more vigorous learning during the summer holidays. Activities will require higher analysis work involving much math application.
All perspective students should read the desired workshop and pre-requisites. These workshops require self-discipline and willingness to work through math problems, and computer programming work.
About our Staff:
Our instructors and assistants are individuals who are engaged in robotics throughout the school year, not seasonal.
Since Storming Robots is an educational facility focusing in robotics engineering throughout the year, we are able to provide level of experience and competency in the subject matter incomparable among pre-college institutions.
Meet our staff: Our Camp Website Link:
Our instructors consist of:
- Certified teaching professionals, and those who possess "ROBOTC - Mindstorms Programming Instructor Certification".
- College top-notch engineering students.
- Our own in-house high school students with stellar academic record and experience in robotics. Many of them have earned AP Scholar to National AP Scholar Award, and along with many other achievements. They not only are high academic achievers, but also have collected competitive experience in robotics, such as winning the national MIT/NASA Robotics Competition, and International level artificial-intelligence oriented Robotics Competition. They are role models for inspiring students in pursuing science, engineering, and cool robotics in the future.
- Individuals who carry and perspire the energy of "Trying Your Best" and "Responsibility in Own Learning"attitude.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Year round robotics programs, as well as special competitive groups meetings, and advanced projects groups.
Many students who joined our summer workshop aim to achieve one or more of the following goals:
- interested in joining their school roboclub and wish to have a kick start in order to increase the chance of playing critical technical roles in their won school club or teams.
- wish to increase the chance to participate Storming Robots' school year roboclub. Our roboclub has almost full enrollment during the school year. We have very limited seats for inexperienced students.
- wish to take more advanced challenge in engineering, and robotics programming.
From July to August, we offer 8 to 9 weeks of various workshops that you may choose from.
Most workshops have pre-requisites. Please the cost and schedule at Our Camp Website Link:
Other details such as discount, policies, etc., is at Our Camp Website Link:
Our summer staff list is restricted to only qualified individuals. Please contact us at office[AT] if you possess strong robotics knowledge in either mechanical and software background. Marketing skill in robotics teams, although it is valuable skill to have, will not meet our staff requirement.
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Storming Robots
Visit Our Rambling Pines Day Camp Website
174 Lambertville Hopewell Rd.
Hopewell, New Jersey 08525
Watch Our Rambling Pines Day Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily: 9am - 3:30pm, extended hours 7:30am - 6:00pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Computers, Math, Science, Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Travel, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We serve and provide door-to-door transportation to the Princeton, Plainsboro, South Brunswick, West Windsor, Robbinsville, Hamilton, Lawrenceville, Skillman, Montgomery, Hillsborough, Hopewell, Pennington, Branchburg, Lambertville, Flemington, New Hope, Washington Crossing, and Yardley areas.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Our camp is located on 225 acres of green and shade in the nearby Sourland Mountains. We have four beautiful heated swimming pools, air-conditioned interior spaces, and activities to suit every child’s likes and abilities. We have aquatics, athletics, performing arts, creative arts, outdoor education, horseback riding, and so much more.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Rambling Pines, we’re dedicated to the success of each child. We think of camp as an essential part of childhood, a place where children can make lasting friendships and mature socially, emotionally, intellectually, morally, and physically. To help create memorable experiences and help your child develop new skills, we offer programs for preschoolers, grade schoolers, and teenagers.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leaders in Training Program for 10th graders
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Tuition Assistance is available to qualified persons.
June 23 to August 22, two weeks minimum session.
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Rambling Pines Day Camp
Visit Our The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps Website
Brooklyn, New York 11215
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico.
CAMPER AGES: 7 years - 17 years old
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Learnatory Esports & Coding STEAM Camps are for those passionate about video games and excited to code! National Esports Champions teach rising 3rd thru 11th graders proven strategies and provide personal VOD analyses of their gameplay in: Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Rocket League. Coding & Game Design STEAM Summer Camps include: SCRATCH, JavaScript, Python, C# thru Unity.
Computers, Technology, Academics, Team Sports, and more. Esports, Coding & Game Design.
CAMP LOCATION: We offer live instructors online.
▌Read More about The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1978, The Learnatory has provided exceptionally robust summer camps as the perfect blend of academic development and recreational fun! Our goal is always to help young people develop the curiosity to explore, the confidence to discover, and the character to grow with excellence. Our small group ratio of 6:1 ensures each camper gets personal attention and enthusiastic support to address their passions and interests.
The Learnatory Esports & Coding STEAM Camps are for those passionate about video games and excited to code! National Esports Champions teach rising 3rd thru 11th graders proven strategies and provide personal VOD analyses of their gameplay in: Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Rocket League. Coding & Game Design STEAM Summer Camps include: SCRATCH, JavaScript, Python, C# thru Unity.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Partial scholarship grants are awarded as needed and when available.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Through The Learnatory In-School, After-School, Home-School, Weekend, Summer Camps, and online programs, The Learnatory, has served over 12,000 college-bound youth and teens in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City effectively and significantly boost their academic, personal, and career development. We offer over 50 various STEAM courses and programs. Our virtual program began in the Summer, 2020 and will continue to operate to serve more young people nationwide.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Esports camps are coached by actual top National Esports Champions.
Each camper receives a proprietary PEP (Prescribed Educational Plan) for every class they take that states exactly what skills they will learn and documents at the end how well they learned them.
Esports camps are designed for those passionate about video games because research shows “Gamers are more likely to pursue high-paying careers in the lucrative STEM/STEAM fields than non-gamers.”
Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it is important for kids to understand and be able to work with and understand the technology around them.
Tutoring to help students catch up, keep up, or get ahead.
Three 1-week camps offered from June 28 through July 31, 2021.
Three classes offered daily:
8:30 am – 10:30 am
10:45 am – 12:45 pm
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
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The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps
Visit Our Google's Maker Camp Website
Online Camp
Available Online
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Computers, Technology, Science, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: The Google Makers Camp is entirely online.
The following participating locations are providing internet access for free as well:
Rhode island
Warwick Public Library
New Hampshire
Keene Public Library
Boys & Girls Club of Nashua
Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston: Jordan Boys and Girls Club
Boston Museum of Science
Duxbury Free Library
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Billerica
Boys & Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster
▌Read More about Google's Maker Camp
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: A FREE summer camp for building, tinkering and exploring. Online and in your neighborhood!
Register here at Our Camp Website Link:
Each weekday morning, Maker will post a new project or activity on their Google+ page—30 things to make over six weeks. Each weekday afternoon at 2 PM, tune in to a live Google+ Hangout On Air to meet expert makers who create amazing things.
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Googles Maker Camp
Visit Our MNOHS Online Two-Week Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project Website
CAMPER AGES: Grades 9-12
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: This summer, MNOHS music teacher Erin Winchell and MNOHS media arts teacher Michael Wiechmann are teaming up to lead an exciting, intensive online learning experience. Youth will meet online in real time to develop video projects, show their work, and give and receive feedback. Projects include a 30-second commercial and a 10-minute short film, documentary, or stop action.
Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Academics, and more. Video & Soundtrack Production
▌Read More about MNOHS Online Two-Week Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Youth should plan to be online 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. weekdays, and to work ten additional hours per week on their projects. Most of the scheduled time is for projects but some of it will be for meetings.
Required equipment: A tablet or phone with a front-facing camera. A video camera or DSLR camera will also work.
June 16 - June 29
$240 for non-MNOHS students
$180 for MNOHS students--or free for those who qualify
Please see our web site for more information: Our Camp Website Link:
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MNOHS Online TwoWeek Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project
Visit Our Camp Oak Hill Website
347 Middletown-Lincroft Road
Lincroft, New Jersey 07738
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily, 8:30am - 3:30pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: If you are interested in sending your child to day camp for an awesome, nonstop blast of summer fun and learning, consider Camp Oak Hill. We provide campers with a unique mix of exciting programs, swimming, field trips, sports, crafts and just plain fun, creating an unforgettable summer experience on our twenty acre campus. Extended hours available (before and after camp). Safety is always our main priority!
Computers, Science, Basketball, Baseball, Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are nestled in suburban Lincroft, New Jersey on the twenty-acre campus of Oak Hill Academy, a leading private academy for grades Pre-K through 8. Campers will utilize many of the fine indoor / outdoor facilities.
▌Read More about Camp Oak Hill
CAMP FACILITIES: Indoor facilities are fully air conditioned. Indoor, heated swimming pool with certified instructors. Science center in a beautiful natural setting. Indoor / Outdoor stage. Sports fields and newly-constructed tennis courts. Indoor Gym.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Oak Hill was founded in 2004. Our summer program offers engaging activities, thematic centers and lessons that are geared toward enriching and strengthening the skills your child has already acquired in school.
Group leaders are all Oak Hill Academy certified teachers. Senior counselors are all college students. Safety and Security is a top priority.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Students in sixth or seventh grades may enroll and are designated for Camp Oak Hill "Leaders In Training" (LIT) group. While these senior campers take part in all activities, they are assigned certain responsibilities and given personal privileges.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): 2017 Camp Oak Hill program:
"Your Passport to Summer Fun Around the World"
2017 Camp Season: June 26th-August 4th
Enrollment is open to all students attending Oak Hill Academy and other schools.
You may choose 2-Full Day, 3-Full Day, 4-Full Day or 5-Full Day sessions. Extended care available for nominal fee.
A flexible camp schedule may also be arranged for families.
2017 Tuition:
2-Full Days for Six Weeks-$2,025.00
3-Full Days for Six Weeks-$2,775.00
4-Full Days for Six Weeks-$2,975.00
5-Full Days for Six Weeks-$3,375.00
Register before March 13, 2017 and receive a 10% Tuition Discount. Regular camp fees apply after March 13th without exception. Sibling discounts are offered.
Camp Oak Hill offers a series of leadership training programs for grades 6-7.
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Camp Oak Hill
Visit Our Summit Camp & Travel Website
(973) 732-3230, (570) 253-4381
168 Duck Harbor Road
Honesdale, Pennsylvania 18341
Weekend Programs in NY, NJ, CT, (NY Metro), DC, VA, (DC Metro Area), PA
322 Route 46 West Suite 210 Parsippany, NJ 07054
Watch Our Summit Camp & Travel Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Summer, Weekender, Teen Travel
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Our dining facilities are Kosher. We are accepting of all faiths. Summit is an ACA accredited program.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summit Camp & Travel is an awesome experience for our kids to enjoy camp, teen travel, and weekend retreats in a supportive environment that 'gets' them. Our kids march to the beat of their own drum, and when those drums come together, they create what we call "The Magic on the Hill"!
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Summit Camp & Travel provides traditional recreational programs for youth aged 8-19 years with needs such as AD/HD, Asperger's/HFA, learning differences, and/or mild emotional challenges.
Computers, Technology, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Academics, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Martial Arts, Team Sports, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Trampolining, Nature Program/Small Farm/Gardening, Swim Instruction, "Glee" Choir & Dance Program, Independence (Executive Function/ Independent Living Skills) Course, Tribes Social Skills Program, Banana Boating, Activities In Daily Living (Cooking, Budgeting, Etc), Jewelry Making, Ceramics, Woodshop, Karate/Martial Arts, GAGA, Go-Karting, & Archery.
CAMP LOCATION: Summit is located approximately 3 hours from New York City in the far Northeast corner of Pennsylvania (45 miles northeast of Scranton, PA), in the lovely rural setting of Honesdale, Pennsylvania.
▌Read More about Summit Camp & Travel
CAMP FACILITIES: Summit has approx. 30 traditional wooden cabins with electric and private facilities in each cabin. Our main buildings include our newly refinished dining hall, air-conditioned recreational hall, our medical facility, and a newly built outdoor pavilion. Summit utilizes three A frame buildings for our arts programs, a wilderness treehouse with camp fire area for cookouts, newly resurfaced basketball/tennis courts, high/low ropes course with climbing wall, heated pool, private lake, nature fields with a farm area, martial arts dojo, go-kart track with 3 karts. Summit has a small amphitheatre adjacent to our lake, with a miraculous view of our beautiful setting where we enjoy swimming, canoeing, and riding our banana boats. Our camp resides on a gently rising hillside, thus providing us with the physical basis for our motto, "The Magic on the Hill."
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summit Camp is a co-ed sleepaway camp for ages 8-19 years with issues of attention: AD/HD, HFA/Asperger’s Disorder, and/or learning differences. Using the frame of a traditional sleepaway camp, we create platforms of success where our campers can experience outcomes such as improved self-esteem, lasting friendships, and increased independence. This is accomplished through a well-orchestrated and expertly staffed backdrop to a largely traditional camp experience- guided challenges, waterfront, adventure course, and more. It is our goal and desire to take our campers from observing peer interactions to engaging in them, to learn and celebrate their own strengths and successes, and to feel a sense of belonging and shared community with those around them while they are with us.
Our Teen Travel program extends the Summit community to provide a safe yet exciting adventure to one of our many attractive national and international destination tours offering 14 day and 19 day excursions. Summit Weekenders provide a youth-group style social retreat for adolescents to have an oasis of independence, enjoyment, and success during the school year months. Regardless of the specific program, Summit provides an expertly staffed, highly structured, and truly fun experience for our youth, and has been doing so since 1969. Summit is accredited by the American Camp Association and takes pride in our long term commitment to and successes in working with special needs youth.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Transitions to Adult Living Skills program for youth aged 15-19 provides learning and vocational opportunities for our teens. We also have vocational programs for upper camp including, big brother/big sister, waiter/waitressing, working in a specialty area or as UL assistant, photography, and more. Our SUPER TEEN program focuses on building the executive function and daily living skills OUR kids needs to succeed as independently as possible.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Summit provides weekender programs in metropolitan areas throughout the country which run from Friday evening until Sunday mid-day that provide an oasis of social involvement for our youth. NY/NJ and DC/VA weekenders meet on a monthly basis.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Summit has the following resident summer staff in addition to our dual layer of counselors and specialists. • Team of senior directorship including a Master's of Education, licensed social worker, counseling psychologist, and school psychologist. • On site Physician and group of RN's for excellent medication management and treatment on site. • Head counselor who has been a proud member of the Summit community since 1983. We pride ourselves on our ongoing support and training of our staff and our phenomenal return rate of excellent seasonal staff who help us orchestrate and bring the magic to our youth year after year.
Ongoing information can be found on our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
Travel Tours 2018: Southeast Theme Parks; San Francisco and Hawaii; Disney Alaskan Cruise
We would love to hear from interested applicants! We are looking for staff 20+ years of age. Counselors have prior experience working with our populations and are looking for a unique opportunity to develop skills and experience in the best setting, with the best supervision, available!
Our specialty teams include waterfront, arts, performing arts, adventure, nature, science, computers, athletics, and go-karting.
We are looking for specialty teachers that have experience leading youth and instructing others in their given area.
Please contact Leah Love, MS, leahl[AT], with interest in working for us. You may have never considered a special needs camp program- but let us show you why working for us may be the summer of a lifetime!
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Summit Camp and Travel
Visit Our Princeton Photo Workshop Photo Camp for Teens Website
Princeton, NJ
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Watch Our Princeton Photo Workshop Photo Camp for Teens Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. July 22-July 26, 2024 • July 29-August 2, 2024, 10:00am - 3:00pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Watch Your Teen Become an Amazing Photographer! From Beginner to Advanced in One Week! "This camp was one of the best camps I've been to. I think the teachers were great. The students were also very fun to hang out with. Everyone had a strong eye for photography which motivated me more to get better and better!" - Maya. "I can’t tell you how happy I am to have my teen son so enthusiastic, inspired and engaged in photography - it’s fabulous!" - Louise.
Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: In the heart of historic Princeton, NJ
▌Read More about Princeton Photo Workshop Photo Camp for Teens
CAMP FACILITIES: Wonderful indoor and outdoor spaces on the Princeton Theological Seminary Campus
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Learn how to take a good photograph with your digital camera at fun and interesting locations. Learn how to make your good photos into your art with photo editing software.
What you'll learn:
• How to get the most out of your digital camera.
• The basics of lighting, composition and capturing the image you envision.
• A daily outdoor/indoor hands-on photography experience, including nature, portraits, street photography, light painting, macrophotography.
• Daily learning and practice with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom* to download, edit, organize and creatively process your photos.
• Photo reviews and discussions.
• Lots of fun!
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact us for Scholarship assistance
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Classes and workshops for photographers of all ages and skill levels. For more information, visit Our Camp Website Link:
July 22-July 26, 2024 • July 29-August 2, 2024
10:00am - 3:00pm
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Princeton Photo Workshop Photo Camp for Teens
Visit Our Camp Louemma Website
973-287-7264 - Winter
973-875-4403 - Summer
43 Louemma Lane
Sussex, NJ 07461
48 Stiles Lane
Suite 202
Pine Brook, NJ 07058
Watch Our Camp Louemma Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Jewish. Foundation for Jewish Camp
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Louemma is a Traditional Coed Sleepaway Camp in Northern New Jersey -Only 70 miles from New York City! For more than 70 years, boys and girls, ages 7-15 have been building lifelong friendships and lasting memories at Camp Louemma. Located on 152 scenic acres along the Appalachian Trail, we offer a warm and caring family atmosphere where each child is an integral part of our camp community.
Technology, Math, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Camp Louemma Also Offers Gaga, Roller Hockey, Softball, Tether-ball, Handball, Fishing, Kayaking, Paddle Boats, Brand New Pool With Water Slides, Ceramics & Pottery, Dance, Radio Station, Archery, Climbing Tower & Zip-line, Mountain Biking & A Jewish Culture Program.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Louemma is a top-rated coed sleep-away camp located on 152 acres along the Appalachian Trail, in scenic Sussex County, New Jersey, approximately 70 miles north and west of NYC. Please visit our website to view photos and a video clip of our beautiful camp facility at Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP FACILITIES: The numerous program facilities at Camp Louemma are well maintained and designed for the enjoyment of every camper. These facilities include a brand-new Olympic size, heated swimming pool with water slides, private lake, tennis and beach volleyball courts, indoor and outdoor basketball courts, softball and soccer fields, lighted hockey rink, archery range, climbing tower with zip line, gaga arena, mountain biking trails, mini-golf course, amphitheater, playground and more. Our indoor recreation hall, performing arts theatre, arts and crafts center, canteen, and radio station guarantee that rain or shine, there is always plenty to do at Camp Louemma.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summer is a very special time when a child seeks to learn, explore and develop new skills, hobbies and interests.
The Camp Louemma program is specifically designed to meet the diverse and ever-expanding recreational needs and interests of our campers. Because our emphasis is on participation, personal achievement and skill attainment rather than on competition alone, campers of every age and skill level are made to feel comfortable and successful.
Through the use of scheduled activity periods and structured electives, each camper can experience a well-rounded program that includes athletics, aquatics, creative and performing arts and outdoor adventure. Our elective program allows each camper to have direct input into their daily schedule. During elective periods campers may wish to try new activities, concentrate on their favorite ones or enhance their existing skills by participating in individualized instruction or clinics. Each activity is conducted in a supportive, encouraging manner by an experienced counselor or specialist.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: At age 15 we offer a Camper-Worker program where every other day the campers help the wait staff in our dining room. This program trains our campers for the following year when they become staff members at age 16. This program is called the WIT program (Workers In Training) where 16 and 17 year olds work as waiters and waitresses in our dining room.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We off scholarship on a case by case basis according to income and circumstance. Additionally, we offer the $1000 One Happy Camper Grant for all first time campers.
OTHER CAMP INFO: At Camp Louemma we have exciting evening activities such as luaus down at the lake, campfires, pool parties, game show nights, scavenger and treasure hunts, and DJ socials, just to name a few. We also go on several out-of-camp trips each session to places such as Action Park Water-Slide Park, Wawayanda State Park (a lake beach for sand castle building contests and swimming), mine tours, Sussex County Fair, Renaissance Fair, white water rafting, bowling and movies, as well as others.
Our teen campers, ages 13-15, also attend one overnight trip each session. We also bring in outside entertainment to camp from time to time...rock bands, magicians, DJs, hypnotists, etc. Please see our website at Our Camp Website Link: for more info about our program.
Main Camp (Grades 2-7)
Full Summer: June 25th to August 6th- $8295
Session 1: June 24th to July 15th - $4725
Session 2: July 15th to August 5th - $4725
Tuition includes ALL day trips, canteen, laundry, T-shirt and bunk photo.
Spending money for trips and transportation to and from camp are not included.
Teen Camp (Grades 8-10)
Full Summer: June 25th to August 6th- $8895
Session 1: June 24th to July 15th - $5025
Session 2: July 15th to August 5th - $5025
Tuition includes ALL day and overnight trips, canteen, laundry, T-shirt and bunk photo.
Spending money for trips and transportation to and from camp are not included.
Credits for First-Time Campers
$1000 - One Happy Camper Grant
Please call for more info on first time camper incentives!
For more information please logon to: Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Louemma
Visit Our Camp Lou Henry Hoover Website
961 West Shore Drive,
County Road 521
Middleville, New Jersey 07855
1171 Route 28
North Branch, NJ 08876
Watch Our Camp Lou Henry Hoover Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Overnight
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Hoover has been shaping great summer memories for girls ingrades 1-12 since 1953 through learning, discovering, exploring, challenging opportunities, and creating! Camp Hoover is a journey into independence—a place where girls and their counselors plan weekly adventures together in a relaxed, non-competitive, tech-free environment.
Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Science, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Lifeguard Training, Quilting, Basket Weaving, Sailing, Cooking, Archery, Gymnastics, Horseback Riding, Outdoor Survival, Canoe Trips, Hiking Trips, Level 1 Archery Instructor Training, STEM Program
CAMP LOCATION: We are one hour from New York City and Central New Jersey, located in Sussex County, New Jersey. Camp Hoover is situated on 340 beautiful acres in Middleville on Swartswood Lake.
For more information, please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:
▌Read More about Camp Lou Henry Hoover
CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Hoover has a large, modern dining hall, three cabins, five tent sites, a primitive site, a recreation building and full usage of Swartswood Lake for swimming, boating, and sailing. A large playfield, ropes course, archery course, hiking trails and a craft center are available for all campers.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Girls entering grades 1 to 12 can choose from one or all of the camps operated by GSHNJ. All girls are welcome to participate in our summer camp programs regardless of race, religion, physical ability, economic status, or national origin. Our camp program is based on the values of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. GSHNJ camps provide a strong focus on Girl Scout fundamentals and in many of our programs girls will earn a Badge or portions of one.
Camp sessions run from July 5 through August 15. Hoover offers two experiences: General and Specialty.
General Camp programs are designed for girls entering grades 1-12 and provide a broad camp experience with varied activities and waterfront time daily. General Camp programs enable you to experience an array of camp activities every day.
Our Specialty Camp programs are designed for girls entering grades 3-12. Activities are grouped according to program, age, and interest level. Specialty Camp programs focus on a particular interest combined with traditional camp activities like swimming, boating, hiking, cook-outs, crafts, and games.
GSHNJ camps are a place where each and every girl can feel safe, valued and supported while making new friends and challenging themselves to try new things. Camp staff is committed to ensuring the health, safety and overall well-being of all campers. GSHNJ camps follow the program standards for health, safety and security guidelines of GSHNJ, GSUSA, ACA, and the New Jersey Youth Camp Standards.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Lifeguard Training: Spend a week at Camp Hoover learning the basics of water rescue and safety and earning the American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Certification, as well as First Aid and CPR for the Professional Rescuer with AED. Note: All campers participating in this program need to be strong swimmers and demonstrate ability to complete a series of pre-course water tests including a continuous distance swim. (Ages 15+, Fee $950)
Level 1 Archery Instructor: Become a certified Level 1 Archery Instructor! This course provides the necessary tools to maintain safety both on and off the archery range, covering range safety, range setup, the steps of shooting, equipment and repair, programs and lesson plans. Level 1 Instructors are well prepared to teach beginner archery programs in both indoor and outdoor settings. Minimum age requirement is 15. Successful completion of the course (passing both written and practical exams) provides a three year certification. (Ages 15+, Fee $575)
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp is the perfect time to bring your group to Hoover and enjoy a day or two (or more!) of fun summer activities. The waterfront is fully staffed for you to go swimming, boating or just bathe in the sun. You can participate in the Challenge Course, take a hike up Hoover's hills, try your hand at archery, make arts and crafts, enjoy cookouts and much more.
Come join us from Friday, August 21st to Monday, September 7th for this wonderful overnight camping experience. Registration information can be found on our website, Our Camp Website Link:
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Lou Henry Hoover is available year- round for groups and families to rent our facilities. Located on 340 acres in Middleville, New Jersey, there is something for everyone at Camp Hoover! We offer three types of accommodations: heated cabins that have sleeping quarters with bunkbeds, full bathrooms, and kitchens stocked with cooking equipment; platform tent sites that have bathhouses and pavilions for shelter; and pitch-your-own-tent sites that either have a covered pavilion and bathroom facilities or a simple trough sink. Groups are invited to plan your own adventures, select all-inclusive weekends (May to June), or arrange for individual program activities for your event. We are here to make your stay easy, enjoyable, and fun!
For more information visit Our Camp Website Link: or email rentals[AT]
Sessions run from July 5-August 15, and offer two experiences: general and specialty. General Camp programs offer girls an array of different camp activities every day. Specialty Camp programs focus on a particular interest combined with traditional camp activities
like arts & crafts, nature, hiking, archery, ropes course, games, cookouts, swimming, and boating. Girls develop responsibility through “kapers” (jobs that help keep Hoover in order) and other fun and enriching activities.
We offer the opportunity for girls to explore nature and the outdoors, the arts, STEM and much more. Our camp programs are designed to be fun, interactive, challenging and a time for personal growth. There is nothing better than hearing our girls say, “I did that!”
July 5 - 11, 20120
July 12 - 18, 2020
July 19 - 25, 2020
July 26 - August 1, 2020
August 2 - 18, 2020
August 12 - 15, 2020
Fees range from $190 to $1,475.
For more information and view our 2020 Camp Guide, please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:
Camp Hoover hires enthusiastic and dedicated adults to provide our summer camp program for girls. All camp staff participate in one week of pre-camp training conducted by trained professionals and many have taken additional training in their specialty areas. All waterfront activities are supervised by American Red Cross certified lifeguards.
We are currently looking for Role Models to participate in our programs in a variety of positions from Counselors to Lifeguards and more!
Camp Hoover follows the program standards for health, safety and security guidelines of GSHNJ, GSUSA, the American Camp Association, as well as the New Jersey Youth Camp Standards.
Camp listings are available on our website at Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Lou Henry Hoover
Looking for Other Top Specialty Camps in New Jersey? Here's a few links to other directories of NJ Special Interest Camps, or you can find links to ALL our Special Interest Camp Directories in the black bar at the bottom of this page.
Garden State Council, BSA
693 Rancocas Road
Westampton, NJ 08060
(732) 823-1395
For more info visit the website.
NEW JERSEY COMPUTER CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best New Jersey Summer Computer Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.
NEW JERSEY COMPUTER CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER COMPUTER CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.
In addition to our 2025 New Jersey Summer Computer Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.
You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.
Top Ten Reasons to Attend Computer Camp
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